Exciting Update! Discover the Richness of the Hawaiian language at Your Own Pace

Sep 04, 2023

Aloha mai kakou,


I hope this email finds you well. I'm thrilled to share some exciting news with you – the revamped beginners course, Mahele 1: Foundational Hawaiian, is now available! If you've been eager to dive into the beauty of the Hawaiian language, this is your chance.


Let's address some common challenges many of us face when it comes to learning a new language, especially one as rich and beautiful as Hawaiian:


Obstacle #1: Time Constraints

Life is busy, and finding the time to attend traditional classes can be tough. Between work, family, and other commitments, dedicating specific hours each week can seem impossible.


Obstacle #2: Cost

Higher education can come with a hefty price tag. The thought of investing thousands of dollars in language courses can be intimidating.


The good news? My online courses offer a solution to both of these hurdles:


Learn on Your Schedule

My self-guided courses are designed to fit seamlessly into your life. You can learn at your own pace, making progress whenever it's convenient for you. No need to rearrange your entire schedule – simply learn on your terms.


Affordable Learning

Pursuing your passion for Hawaiian doesn't have to break the bank. Each course costs just $295, making quality language education accessible to all. That's a fraction of the cost you'd pay for traditional college courses.


What to Expect

Mahele 1: Foundational Hawaiian covers material comparable to a 100-200 college level class. If you're just starting out, this is the perfect way to build a strong language foundation. Meanwhile, Mahele 2: Building Fluency takes you to the next level, with content equivalent to a 300-400 level college class.


On a personal note, I understand the challenges firsthand. Learning Hawaiian was once a frustrating journey for me too, as I faced similar obstacles. However, my dedication has led to the creation of these courses, and I'm honored to offer them to you. 


Join me in exploring the uniqueness of Hawaiian, at your own pace and within your budget. Take the first step by visiting my website and learning more about the course.


Mahalo for being a part of this incredible language-learning community. Together, we're making Hawaiian more accessible and enriching lives through language.


E ao i ka olelo Hawaii (learn the Hawaiian language),


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