Can you immerse yourself in Hawaiian?
Sep 04, 2023Pehea oukou? Maikai anei?
When you were a child, how did you learn your first language?
I’ll go out on a limb and guess that you were immersed in the language. You probably heard speakers of the language in your home, listened to music, and watched entertainment in that language. I bet you attended school and your social circle was made up of those who spoke it. Once you could speak fluently, you probably learned to read and write in the language, too. How close did I get?
One of the most effective ways to learn a new language is by immersion. That’s why there are immersion programs for many different languages around the world.
The problem with learning Hawaiian as a second language is that most people in Hawaii speak English. Those who do speak Hawaiian don’t advertise it so how would you know? And most people who speak aren't fluent or are limited in their speaking ability.
If it’s so important to be immersed in Hawaiian, how are you supposed to do it?
The good news is whether you live in Hawaii or not, you’re in luck!
Some of the most legitimate and highly recommended resources to learn Hawaiian are online and they’re FREE!
Each week this month, I’m going to share and go over these resources so you can make the most of them.
Similarly to how you learned your first language, using these resources can help immerse you in Hawaiian. Start by listening, reading, writing and eventually being able to speak.
As a second language, you won't learn Hawaiian the same way you learned your first language. Knowing how to use these resources will allow you to immerse yourself in Hawaiian wherever you are.
I’ll show you ways to use the resources I listed above, but tell me… How are you already immersing yourself in Hawaiian?
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