Are you catching these patterns of learning Hawaiian?

Sep 01, 2023



Last week, you mimicked the speakers in the recordings I sent. Good job!


Now, what in the world did you hear in these recordings?


Let’s dive into the same resources a little deeper. 


How much of that recording did you understand? Even if you could pick out only a handful of words - that’s great. You’re training your ears and brain to understand Hawaiian. 


How much of that recording did you understand? Even if you could pick out only a handful of words - that’s great. You’re training your ears and brain to understand Hawaiian. 


Just like before, you’re going to 

  • Look up those words and write down their meanings. (You can use or
  • Make notes of the words you don’t know yet in a notebook or your phone. 
  • Also make notes of new meanings of words you already know.


Are you seeing the patterns of learning? The resources will change, but the simple, daily processes are basically the same. Train your brain to catch new words, look up words you don’t know to improve your vocabulary and practice speaking or reading out loud to work on your speech and pronunciation

Be consistent and be intentional in your studies and you’ll see results you can be proud of. 

If you’re ready for more, or feel like you would like more support in learning the language, send me a message and let’s talk about a program that would be a good fit for you. 


You’re doing great!




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